Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dublin, Ireland

I know this blog, and the following blogs are long term overdue.. :)

7th-10th of April

I headed over to London-Heathrow from Edinburgh to catch a plane to Dublin. I should've just made a direct flight from Edinburgh to Dublin, but I didn't have that in my plans when I was syncing the holidays together. But yes, anyways. I must admit, it's been pretty hard trying to get myself to sit down and into a blogging mood, because I haven't done this in such a long time!

Flying into Dublin was a breeze, compared to going through to the Underground at the terminals in Heathrow airport, as well as the check-in and the security checks, blah blah blah. But then when you're up in the air from London to Dublin, it only took at least 40 minutes, and in that time, I took a short nap, but also talking to this nice man sitting next to me. Who was an interesting character. I think he spent half the time talking about how great of a country Ireland is. Which I had no doubt in, because I absolutely loved it there!

I got into Dublin, and the paddywagon bus picked me up from the airport!! Which was a bonus because it would've cost me a fortune if I didn't!

I know I've written about Dublin in a few blogs ago (months ago) so here are a few photos:

outside Duhv'Lin gardens

post boxes!

just outside St Patrick's cathedral

St Patrick's Cathedral

St Patrick's Cathedral

St Stephen's Green

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