Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Although I told myself that I wouldn't really celebrate Valentine's day this year.. I've learnt an important lesson today. The boys came up to me this morning, asking if I have a boyfriend back home. I chuckled a little and told them that I don't. One of them hugged me and said "Happy Valentine's Day Miss Argal! You don't need a man to make you happy, because you're a nice lady! And also, love is all around... you don't need to be romantic" And he ran off with a bright red face. I laughed to myself, and thought it was weird, but then.. what he said is true. I know I'm not ready or looking for a relationship. I still have the world to see and explore. I don't want to have to change or even settle for a second. I want to be able to feel like a better version of myself when I do find the right man. And whether it works out or not, I'll embrace the change and the challenge of even standing where I am. And really, in all honesty... you don't need a special day to show the one you love that you love them with cards, chocolates and flowers.. when you should be able to do that everyday. It's not really my kinda thing this day. But I'll accept it anyway. Love is all around us, in our friendships, relationships and family. That no matter how broken down they are, there was something there from the beginning that bought two people together. And nobody can change that, not you, not I. So Happy Valentine's Day everyone, whether you celebrate it or not, whether you are single or taken, there will always be someone out there who loves you for who you are - no matter what. And mind you, being single these days is a gift - well for me anyway. Appreciate it while you can ~ :)

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