Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday night

First official Friday night in Hunstanton. Caught up with mum for a bit on the phone for half an hour or so - which was pretty good. Then watched a bit of television. After that, went down to the pub with the headmaster, his wife, his son and his son's girlfriend, as well as the other gappy down at Ringsted. Was a typical English pub. Had a drink of cider - something rather like that. I don't know what it was, but it was really nice, well I liked it at least. Had a few ghost stories and such in the car (honestly, made me miss the boys lol). Got back to the school in the boarding room, then got a half an hour catch up with Jbee. Ah, honestly, I don't miss her (well I do, but not a lot), I guess it's just that I've caught up with her heaps lately, it doesn't feel like we're so far away, feels like we're just so close - but yet, so far apart from each other.

Anyways, tomorrow, will be touring around the area.
Sunday - Sandringham Palace to see the Queen (no pictures allowed though)
next weekend:
Saturday - don't know
Sunday: Church (in some place - can't really say anything right now for privacy purposes) but hopefully we'll give her flowers and get a chance to meet her, like the previous year's gappys did! so yeah, that's really something to look forward to!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic time back home!

Love from
Serenity :) xoxo

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