Sunday, March 27, 2011


I've never been so scared in my life. I know why I'm here, I know what I'm doing. I'm still afraid to let time take it's place with my life. I'm starting to stress with all these bookings, flights, train travel, and everything that goes along with that. It is stressful, and I've never had to deal with it myself. But if you don't take the risk now, how will you ever know? You will be wondering about it all your life. I'm going to Scotland next week, then Ireland right after, then finishing it off by exploring London and it's surrounding cities. I've never had to travel on my own, sort my own bookings, sort my own flights or accommodation and food. And trust me, it's hard. But I know that throughout the year, I will learn to deal with it and just get on like normal.

1 comment:

  1. Hey.. It doesn't sound you're like in the best of moods, but I came across this the other day while reading through blogs... Maybe it helps, maybe it makes it worse, I really dont know, but it gave me a lot to think about.

    "Would you even want to live your life knowing that you didn’t know the limits of what you could take physically, mentally, and emotionally? I think it’s important to know how far we can push our bodies. Then we know how far we’re willing to take life."

    Despite whether you like the above quote or not, you've matured in ways that many of us (ppl back her in Aust) haven't.. thats a good thing.. can;t wait ot have you back *hugs*
