Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Contemplating just a little..

Or maybe a lot... These past two months have taught a lot about independence, and not having to rely on anybody. I miss having a best friend who is just a phone call away, one to call when I'm upset, or when I just have really good news to tell. I already feel so disconnected from a lot of people. And it's been so long since I've spoken to my best friends properly. I feel so bad, but yet, I don't know what to do anymore. And you're probably reading this like "what the heck?" I know that I'm pretty much like an open book. And I don't really care anymore. It feels so weird not knowing what's happening back home, and how people are? I know I've made a lot of friends here already, but then I guess, I might just be a little homesick? But I do feel left out when I go onto facebook and see the newsfeed, and seeing what everyone's up to. And that's why I never want to go online these days. It just makes me feel worse. Lol. This sounds so dramatic, but I just need to vent out a little.

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